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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Please break my heart (episode 20)

. EPISODE 20 “Wonderful end to your evening, right?” Dad asked, as he signed my bail papers. I collected my wristwatch and purse from the Police officer. “I also signed bail for the thug who helped you in attacking an innocent man.” I laughed. “That is my boss. He is no thug Dad, and your so-called innocent man is a stalker. He has been following me all around and if not for Dare’s timely intervention, I might be dead.” “I see. So, Ade-Cole’s boy was your Jackie Chan out there.” Dare came out with a police officer. He was handed his wallet and other properties. “Thank you Sir.” He said to my Dad. “You are welcome Ade-Cole.” “You guys have to report here tomorrow around 10 in the morning to file a formal report against your so-called stalker.” The Police Chief said. Dad dropped Dare off at his house before we left for ours. “Hope you weren’t mistreated at the station?” Dora asked as we walked in. “They acted nice.” I replied slumping into the sofa. “Go to your room Dora, I have to talk to your step sister.” Dad ordered. “Sister.” I corrected. Dad smiled. “Nice to hear that from you Darlene, Please go to your room Dora.” Dora pecked Dad and I and left for her room. Dad sighed and I guessed that it could only mean trouble. His sermons might just be too much for me to bear. “Dad please, I don’t want you scolding me on this issue. Daniel is the stalker and Dare was just helping out.” “It didn’t seem like that to the Police; else, you both wouldn’t have been locked up. Listen Darlene, I understand that Daniel might be into you.” He paused and cleared his throat. “But I don’t think he is a stalker, I got him a job at Badmus because I have known him as a good kid.” “Do you believe Daniel over me?” I asked feeling offended. “Don’t take it that way honey, but I know Daniel can never hurt you, he won’t dare it.” “Why do you trust him so much? Is he also your kid, maybe my step brother?” I yelled. Dad sighed as he sunk into the sofa. “Are you ever going to accept Dora?” “How does this involve Dora? Dad, you trust a man that has been stalking me, how am I sure that he doesn’t mean a lot to you?” I asked, raising my voice. “I think you should keep your voice low, I am not dissuading you from pressing charges against him if you want to, I just think that you should be patient. Those meetings might have been mere coincidences like Daniel explained, and it’s not like he has forced himself on you.” “Stop it Dad!” I yelled. “If you want to protect him, you can. I am taking him to court and that is final!” I retorted and left for my room. I stopped at the Police Station early the next day. “Would you like us to take this case to the court?” The DPO asked. “Yes. I want a restraining order on him. The best way is to go to Court.” I replied. “What if you are not granted your request?” he asked. “I’ll push for it. I don’t want that man anywhere around me.” “You are a lawyer, it shouldn’t be that difficult.” He replied, smiling. I bumped into Daniel on my way out of the DPO’s office. “Look at who we have here.” I said stepping aside. “Are you taking me to Court?” he asked. “I have no business with you Daniel. You have shown that you are very unpredictable and I can’t stand you, so please leave me alone.” Daniel shook his head. “You don’t get it, do you?” he paused. “This world is not all about you, I wasn’t stalking you. I thought it was unsafe for you to walk alone into the night and so I tried to follow you, I was at the dance, like every other person.” I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter to me. I am not comfortable with your presence, and I have to put a stop to you. You grabbed me by the arm, which was rude.” “I didn’t want you wandering off again. That hood is filled with thugs who would do anything to feed their belly.” He replied. “There is no point discussing this Daniel, Excuse me.” I replied and left. Dare told me that I could skip work today, so I took the time to visit the Events House for Dora’s coming out party. We agreed on the decorators to visit our house during the weekend to plan for its arrangement. I had it fast at the Events House, so I took the opportunity to search for a new driving school. If I was to avoid Daniel, I had to close all possible avenues of us ever meeting again. “When do you want to start your lessons ma’am?” Mr Tobi asked. Mr Tobi owned the driving school. I intended to continue my driving lessons with him. “I wouldn’t mind having it every Friday, and probably, some Saturdays.” I replied. “That’s fine by me. Do you want to start this week?” “No, I will be busy this week, but from next week, I will be starting my lessons.” We finalized arrangements for my driving lessons. Mr Tobi’s driving School was quite a distance from home, but that is one of the few sacrifices to pay to escape Daniel. It was lonely at home when I returned, so I took the time to tidy up my speech for the Annual Meetings. It was a huge relief for me when Kolapo drove in with Dora. “Hey Darlene.” He called. “Hi KP, How was work today?” I asked. I rose to hug Dora. “Hey sis” Dora sipped my drink and sat down. “I have huge news for you.” “I’ll be in the living room.” Kolapo said leaving for the house. “What is it?” Dora sat upright. “The detective has been able to track Paul’s initial location when he left his house. Paul did not go to Obudu like you thought, he left Nigeria.” “I guess we can say that he is safe?” “I don’t know if I can agree with you totally. The other issue is that Paul is in the Bahamas. That is, if your descriptions were accurate.” “Of Course they were, but what I don’t understand is what Paul is doing in the Bahamas? Or could he be with Jake?” I thought aloud. Suddenly, I remembered the letter that I received from work thinking that it was from Jake. “I’ll be right back!” I said and dashed into the house. I turned my bag over and searched for the letter. ‘It has to be somewhere’ I thought. I finally found the letter and left for the compound. “What is that in your hand?” Dora asked. “I received this letter from the Bahamas yesterday, I didn’t open it as I thought that he would be from Jake, but I can’t be so sure that it is from Jake .” I replied, opening the letter carefully. “Hurry sis, what does it say?” she asked.

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