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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Please break my heart (episode 19)

. EPISODE 19 “Is there a problem?” I asked, taking my seat. Dare sighed. “I need a favour from you.” He said. “I won’t like you to refuse me this one” “It depends on what you want from me.” He cleared his throat. “I want you to go out with me tonight, I am meeting up with some friends tonight, and I want you to accompany me.” I let out a horrid laugh. “Dare, what do take me for?” I asked. “I don’t understand your question.” I sighed. “You entered me for a competition unannounced earlier today, and now you want me to accompany you to see your friends. Don’t you think you are taking me for granted?” “Do you feel offended by my actions?” “Of course!” He shook his head. “It was not my intention.” He replied. “You may leave.” I stood up and reached from the door. “What do you want from me?” I asked. “Your friendship.” He replied. I smiled. “You have it.” I opened the door. “Will you go out with me tonight? To a movie? I will cancel with my friends.” He asked. “Why will you cancel with your friends for me?” He stood up and approached me. “They have been friends forever, they will understand. So, will you?” “Okay.” “I will pick you by 7.” “See you later,” I replied, and left. What was I thinking? Agreeing to go to the movies with Dare on a Monday night implied lateness to work on Tuesday. I joined the bus and left for home. I had to cancel my apartment earlier scheduled with the Events House. I was lost in thoughts on the bus that I did not hear a man calling at me to move to the next seat. “I am so sorry.” I said as I moved over to the next seat. He took his seat and smiled at me. “Darlene, right?” I stared at him and then realised that it was Daniel from my driving school. “Oh, how are you Daniel?” “Why did you stand me up?” I bit my lips. “What a nice way to respond to a greeting. Anyways, I was busy.” “But we agreed on going out.” I smiled. “I never agreed. I was wise enough not to give any concrete answer on that, you assumed.” “Whatever, it’s in the past now.” He replied, with a smile. “Can we hang out this weekend?” I rolled my eyeballs. “Unfortunately, I am busy at work this weekend.” I then paused and realised the need to put Daniel in his place. “And just so we are clear, you are my teacher and I do not appreciate your unnecessary warming up to me.” He inhaled deeply. “Fine by me, I will stick to my role henceforth.” “Thank you.” I said carelessly. Daniel said nothing to me as the journey continued. I could guess that he could not wait for the bus to stop. We dropped off at our stop. Daniel maintained a courteous approach and let me off the bus first. “Have a good night.” He said, walking away. “You too.” I called back. Dora stood up as soon as I walked in. “I have been waiting for you forever.” “Hi. How was your day?” she asked, holding out a muffin. “I baked it for you.” I collected it and took a bite. “This is good. Are there anymore?” I asked, taking my seat. “Yes, I had the luxury of baking some after work today.” I smiled. “Thanks Dora.” “I got some news for you. I spoke with a detective earlier in the day, and he said that if we can give concrete information on Paul, they would get to work as soon as possible.” I sighed. “Thanks for everything Dora, I am very grateful.” “What are sisters for? I will do anything to help you. If you can drop the details with me before going to work tomorrow, I will stop at the Police Station.” “Thanks Dora.” I replied and left for my room. I flung my closet open and started my search for a dress to wear out with Dare. I choose a polka dotted short gown and hurried into the bathroom. i hoped that Dare would make it for 7 sharp, as I have not been a fan of late nights. I applied my lip-gloss coolly as I checked my wristwatch for what I hoped would be the last time. “Knock knock,” Dora said as she walked in. “Hi” I replied adjusting my powder. “There is a guy named Dare here for you.” She cleared her throat. “You look good sis.” She added. I smiled. “Thanks Dora. Tell Dad that I might be in a bit late tonight.” I said, grabbing my purse. “I sure will.” She replied with a grin. I hurried downstairs to meet Dare. “You look hot.” He said, staring at me. I looked at myself with a grimace. ‘What was ‘hot’ about the appearance?’ I thought. I smiled politely. “Thank you.” “Shall we?” he asked. “Yes Please.” I replied, leading the way. Dare started the engine. “Where do you want to go?” “You are the one taking me out, so I am with you.” “What do you say we drive into the night till we have nowhere else to go in Lagos?” I popped my eyeballs. “That sounds adventurous, but I say NO! It’s ridiculous, especially on a Monday night, more of irresponsible.” “I am the boss, remember?” he said, smiling. “I call the shots at Ade-Cole, so if we are drooling into the night, no one can bother us, if you want to.” I smiled. “I will pass on your offer. Make another choice, there are lots of places to go to on a Monday night, maybe we see a movie.” “Alright, we are off to the movies.” I left to get some pop corn and drinks as Dare joined the queue to get us tickets. “I got us tickets to see The Hunger games” Dare said approaching. “Sounds like fun.” “It would be fun, haven’t you seen the adverts? It is awesome! The movie is a complete sell out, I was lucky to grab these tickets.” He said, flashing the tickets in my face. “Let’s go then.” After two hours, we were through with the movie. “Thanks Dare, I wasn’t disappointed.” He smiled. “You are welcome.” He took a quick glance at his wristwatch. “We have to get to the town square before it is 10.” He said. “Why?” “At around that time, there is always a street dance at that end, and the kids are totally awesome, you need to see it.” “Okay.” I replied, dumbly. “We are going to run because Cars can’t go through this route,” he said. Dare grabbed my hand and before I could say Jack Robinson, we were already running. A teeming crowd running from the east and west joined us. It seemed as though everyone knew that it was time to run towards the town square. Dare was all jumpy as he grooved to the music as the dance competition went on. He was lost in the dance competition that he did not see me wander off into the streets. I wanted to get a drink badly as my throat was all-dry. CLOSED tags were on almost all stores in the street. I was in dire need of a drink and it looked almost impossible to get any. The road was dark and lonely ahead, so I decided to turn back. I was grabbed at the arm. I yelled. “Why are you making so much noise?” I turned round as I released myself. “Why are you stalking me Daniel?” I asked. “I was just fortunate to be in the environment and I saw you leaving the dance ground so I thought that I should follow you.” He replied. “Why were you wandering?” I looked at him carefully. “I don’t like you being everywhere around me.” “This is Lagos. It is a free City, I can be anywhere I choose to be.” He replied. Daniel scared me. It was dark and lonely and I felt that I was standing before a nightmare. “I’ll just go back to the ground.” I replied. He held me back. “Wait!” He held my hand so tightly that it hurt. “Leave me alone Daniel.” “Why?” “The lady told you to leave her alone.” A voice said from the dark. The scene terrified me the more. The next thing I heard was a blow landing heavily on Daniel. He crashed to the ground. “Are you alright Darlene?” “Yes I am.” I replied, with my voice all shaky. “Why did you leave the town square? It is not safe for you to be wandering all by yourself.” He then turned to Daniel. “Who is this riff-raff?” I sighed. Daniel was struggling to get up from the ground. He must have felt a serious impact from the blow Daniel gave him. “He is my teacher from a driving school.” “This is no teacher.” Dare replied, kicking Daniel hard in the belly. “Please Dare, let him be. I am fine now, let’s just go.” I begged. Dare was more interested in Daniel than in my plea as he struck him hard to the ground. “Hold it up there! This is the Police, your hands right behind your head.”

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