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Thursday, May 31, 2018

This video of Georgia boy helping an elderly woman up the stairs will teach you a thing or two about kindness

This video of Georgia boy helping an elderly woman up the stairs will teach you a thing or two about kindness
A Georgia boy’s random act of kindness was captured on video and has warmed hearts all over the world.
Riley Duncan who observed the random act of kindness captured the moment on video. The video shows the 8-year-old boy as he carefully guided an elderly woman, who was using a walker, up a set of stairs.
Duncan said that he saw the boy stop traffic, get out of the car he was in and race to the woman’s assistance. It was a moment Duncan thought deserved to be shared. The kind boy was later identified as Maurice Adams Jr.
Maurice was in the car with his mom and sister leaving a high school graduation when they saw the woman crossing the road. Maurice’s mother, Contricia Hill, told the station that they began talking about the woman who was crossing the busy road alone when her son spoke up.
"He asked, 'Can I go out there and help her up the steps?' " Hill said.
Maurice can be seen in the video supporting the woman as they slowly make their way up the stairs. Once they got to the top, the woman, a stranger, told Maurice that "he’s special," thanking the young boy.
Hill said of her son's action: "It’s touching. It’s very touching. [It just shows] respect and raising your kids right goes a long way."
Watch the video below.

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